2016 Scholarships
AHS Students Awarded $87,350 in Scholarships!
The Foundation hosted a reception on April 29, 2015 to honor ninety-five members of the AHS class of 2016 who are receiving $87,350 in scholarships from the Foundation For Allen Schools, Allen Council of PTAs, Allen High Noon Lions Club, and Kiwanis Club of Allen. The reception brought scholarship donors together with the students who are benefitting from their generosity. View our 2016 Scholarship Reception Program to read details about the types of scholarships that were awarded.
Special thanks to American National Bank and Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP for sponsoring the reception. Photos of the scholarship donors and recipients are shown below.
Memorial Scholarships

Angela Marie Guest Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 each
Elizabeth Petsos and Madison Page with donors Susan and Carli Guest

Anthony & Eric Vita Memorial Scholarship - $2,000
Allison Dove with Marc Vita

Emily Stambaugh Memorial Scholarship - $500
Sarah McDonald with Brent Mitchell, representing the AHS Swim and Dive Team Booster Club

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship given in memory of Gayle Boon - $1,000
Brianna Weaver with Boon family members Audrey Crawford, Kimbra Boon Crawford,
Dr. E.T. Boon, Charlotte Crawford, and Caroline Crawford

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship given in memory of Kathy Daley - $700
Haley Sowinski with Daley family members Nolan, Armyn, and Kyle Daley

Frank Thomas McGaugh Memorial Scholarship - $3,000 each
Matthew Magee and Kennedy Martinez with donors Pat and Debbie McGaugh

Kyle Murray Memorial Scholarship - $450 each
Alyssa Fowler and Jordan Nickal with Elizabeth and Chad Murray

Rodenbaugh Family Scholarship - $1,000 each
Mai Truong and Sabrina Haque with donors Ronald and Connie Rodenbaugh

Roger & Ella Jo Adams Scholarship to Texas A&M - $2,000
Natalie LeBlanc with donor Ella Jo Adams
Family and Individual Sponsored Scholarships

Boline Family Scholarship - $2,000
Kaitlyn Brown with donors Wayne and Joyce Boline

Harlie Dickinson Annual Football Scholarship - $2,000
Connor Limpert with donors Robin and Steve Sedlacek

Morrow-Smith Scholarship - $500 each
Carson Conway, Peyton Robertson, Caroline Kemme, and Tye Parker with donors
Craig and Diana Smith, Ida Jean Bauereis, and Doyle Morrow

Pogue Family Endowment Scholarship - $750 each
Elliot Webb, Matthew Bevers, Bradley Vinez, and Ian Rapp with Judy Pogue

Pogue Family Endowment Scholarship - $750 each
Branden Smith, Cassidy Thomson, and Austin Franco with Judy Pogue
(not pictured - Faiaz Ahbab)
School Organization Sponsored Scholarships

Allen Council of PTAs Scholarship - $1,000-$2000 each
Lauren Abiog, Addison Arnold, Kendra Egharevba, and Macrina Ghali with Allen Council
of PTAs representatives Shama Narasimhan and Marisol Randle

Allen Council of PTAs Scholarship - $1,000-$2000 each
Jacob Morris, Matthew Bevers, Omid Rahmanian, and Christina Sundar Singh with
Allen Council of PTAs representatives Shama Narasimhan and Marisol Randle

Ford Middle School Scholarship - $500
John Bennion and Donna Laster, Ford Middle School representative

Mary Evans Elementary School PTA Scholarship - $500 each
Lauren Abiog and Jack Li with Evans Elementary PTA president Sonal Morriswala,
Davia Madariaga, and Tamra O'Neal, Evans Elementary assistant principal

Olson Elementary School Academic Award Scholarship - $500 each
Jessica Saywell and George Brooks with Amanda Reyes, Olson Elementary principal, and
donors Lynda and David Olson
AHS Cheer Booster Club Scholarship - $1,000 each
(not pictured - Lauren McClellan, Gabrielle von Heimburg, Breven Zabilka)
Foundation For Allen Schools Sponsored Scholarships

Academic Scholarship for Varsity Athletes - $1,000
Eric Sun with Foundation board member Tim Wilson

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$750 each
Morgan Kiser, Addison Arnold, Jeanne Michael Bandelaria, and Grace Krull with
Foundation scholarship committee chair Pam Toups

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$750 each
James Popiolek,Lauren Love, and Mikhail Lanier with Foundation scholarship
committee chair Pam Toups

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$750 each
Kenny Pham, Kevin Ptak, and Jessica Suddleson with Foundation scholarship
committee chair Pam Toups
(not pictured - Juhi Karnalkar)

CoServ Charitable Foundation - $1,000
Sarvesh Ramachandran with CoServ representatives Chris McCraw and Vicki Sargen

Legacy ER - $1,000
Omid Rahmanian with Foundation board member Rafael Rodriguez

STB Architects and Planners, Inc - $750 each
Nathaniel Popiolek, Allen Foster, Kendra Egharevba, and Landon Stamey with
Bryan Thruston of STB Architects and Planners
(not pictured - Elaine Avshman and Andrea Nguyen)
Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union - $750
(not pictured - Amy Yanger)
Community Organization Sponsored Scholarships

Allen Eagle Nation Scholarship - $250-$500 each
Lauren Engelbert, Kolleen Brandon, and Sophie Deaver with Allen Eagle Nation
representatives Wayne Boline, Joyce Boline, Brandon Weber, Steve Jones, Angie Ortiz,
Chad Price, and Neil Riddick

Allen Eagle Nation Scholarship - $250-$500 each
Cole Patterson, Jake Holloway, Lauren Hill, and Hannah Letow with Allen Eagle Nation
representatives Wayne Boline, Brandon Weber, Joyce Boline, Steve Jones, Angie Ortiz,
Chad Price, and Neil Riddick

Allen Eagle Nation Scholarship - $250-$500 each
Brittney Sanders, Madeline Silvio, Genesis Turman, Madison Wonders, and Megan Patton
with Allen Eagle Nation representatives Wayne Boline, Brandon Weber, Joyce Boline,
Steve Jones, Angie Ortiz, Chad Price, and Neil Riddick
(not pictured - Maresa Cooper, Kyle Dugger, Cade Hardin, Courtney Mentesana, Nicholas Tripucka)

Allen Garden Club Helen M. Logan Scholarship - $500
Randi Barham with Denise Webre, Allen Garden Club representative

Allen Retired Educators Association Scholarship - $1,000 each
Lauren Brechner and Chloe Stevens with AREA members Carole Smithwick,
Sue Crawford Stauffer, Carolyn Bones, Sharla Adams, and Lynda Olson

Friends of the Allen Public Library Scholarship - $500 each
Christina Sundar Singh and Sabrina Haque with Sandy Wittsche, Friends of the Allen
Public Library representative

Keep Allen Beautiful Scholarship - $500
Isabella Panko with Susan Ponder and Donna Kliewer, Keep Allen Beautiful

Kiwanis Club of Allen Scholarship - $750-$1,500 each
Kendra Egharevba, Sabrina Haque, and Madison Moro with Russ Waite, Colleen
Biggerstaff, and Bill Severin, Kiwanis Club of Allen representatives

Kiwanis Club of Allen Scholarship - $750-$1,500 each
Mai Truong, Katrina Pidlaoan, and Jeanne Michael Bandelaria with Russ Waite,
Colleen Biggerstaff, and Bill Severin, Kiwanis Club of Allen representatives

Rotary Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Ashlyn Fairchild, Keerthy Benny, and Mei Yi Tan with Kenneth Chute and
Todd Harris, Rotary Club of Allen representatives

Rotary Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Kyle Steele and Kayley Tarbox with Kenneth Chute and Todd Harris, Rotary Club of
Allen representatives
(not pictured - Hsiang Yeh)

Sunrise Rotary Club Scholarship - $1,000
Jacob Morris
John Sprague Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Irene Lee
Rev. Kathleen Baskin-Ball Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Chase Siner (not pictured)
Shown with Sunrise Rotary Club representatives Lee Schmidt and Paul Hendricks
Allen High Noon Lions Club Scholarship - $500 each
(not pictured - Mikhail Lanier, Matthew Magee, Isabella Panko)
Corporate Sponsored Scholarships

KONE, Inc. Scholarship - $1,000
Susheela Sharma and Latricia Smith, Foundation board member

Texas Health Presbyterian Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Jessica Green, Macrina Ghali, Katrina Pidlaoan, and Joelle Bondoc with
Jared Shelter and Sarah Mitchell, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen representatives
(not pictured - Alison Bachellor)