2017 Scholarships
AHS Students Awarded $119,750 in Scholarships!
The Foundation hosted a reception on April 27, 2017 to honor 112 members of the AHS class of 2017 who are receiving $119,750 in scholarships. The Foundation awarded $95,750 with an additional $24,000 awarded by groups from the Allen community. The reception brought scholarship donors together with the students who are benefitting from their generosity. View our 2017 Scholarship Reception Program to read details about the types of scholarships that were awarded.
Special thanks to American National Bank and Linebarger Attorneys at Law for sponsoring the reception. Photos of the scholarship donors and recipients are shown below:
Memorial Scholarships

Angela Marie Guest Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 each
Kushal Patel and Anna Kemp with donors Carli and Susan Guest

Anthony & Eric Vita Memorial Scholarship - $2,000
Shauna Griffith with Marc Vita

Connie M. Buntley Memorial Scholarship - $1,000
Chloe Schnaible with Joel Buntley

Emily Stambaugh Memorial Scholarship - $500 each
Bailee Allen and Zakiyya Ellington with Sarah Mitchell and Dawn Blue, representing
the AHS Swim and Dive Team Booster Club

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship given in memory of Kathy Daley - $1,000
Caroline Dahl with Kyle Daley and Nolan Daley

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship given in memory of
Thomas Francis Roberts and Ruby May Fulk - $1,000
Kevin Yang with donor Susan Fulk

Frank Thomas McGaugh Memorial Scholarship - $3,000
Max Wilson with donors Debbie and Pat McGaugh

Gayle Boon Memorial Scholarship - $1,500
Billye Silander with Boon family members Doug Crawford, Audrey Crawford, Kimbra Boon Crawford,
Dr. E.T. Boon, Charlotte Crawford, Holly Boon Rosof, and Caroline Crawford

Scott Limpert Memorial Scholarship - $500 each
Bethany Spann and Masen Ragsdale with donor Lisa Limpert
Family and Individual Sponsored Scholarships

Dr. Jenny Preston Future Teacher Scholarship - $1,500
Patrick Vu and Dr. Jenny Preston

Harlie Dickinson Annual Football Scholarship - $2,000
Joshua Cornell with Harlie Dickinson and donor Robin Sedlacek

Merrick Family Scholarship - $1,000
Dawson Westurn with donors Charles and Laurie Merrick

Morrow-Smith Scholarship - $1,000 each
Alistair and Kim Wilson (representing recipient Jenna Wilson) and Allison Dodd with
Ida Jean Bauereis and Doyle Morrow

Pogue Family Endowment Scholarship - $500 each
Anukriti Singh with donor Judy Pogue and Michael Doddridge-Pogue Construction,
and Pravishadya Singh (not pictured - recipient Nabat Sheriff)
School Organization Sponsored Scholarships

AHS Cheer Booster Club Scholarship - $500 each
Skylar Tallal and Brittany Goodman with Foundation scholarship committee chair Pam Toups
(not pictured - recipients Elisia Ahedo, Erin Palmer, Victoria Scerbo, and Taylor Trotter)

Allen ISD Council of PTAs Scholarship - $1,000 each
Erin Flanigen, Joseph Kim, and Clayton Bailey with Allen ISD Council of PTAs
representatives Paddu Srinivasan and Marisol Randle

Allen ISD Council of PTAs Scholarship - $1,000
Myra Ramdenbourg, Ryan Rahman, Connor Garrison, and Savana Reyes with
Allen ISD Council of PTAs representatives Paddu Srinivasan and Marisol Randle
(not pictured - recipients Elena Thompson and Vance Vaughan)

Beverly Cheatham Elementary PTA Alumni Scholarship - $1,000 each
Ish Patel and Nicole Goridkov with Cheatham PTA president Tasha Young

Boyd Elementary Scholarship - $500
Billye Silander
Boyd Elementary PTA Scholarship - $500
Denise Diaz
Pictured with Nancy Jung, Boyd Elementary Dean of Students

Ford Middle School Scholarship - $500
Erin Flanigen with Donna Laster, Ford Middle School representative, and Ford
Middle School NJHS officers Lauren Bradfield, Ashley Woo, and Brenden Pitney

Mary Evans Elementary School PTA Scholarship - $500 each
Allison Corona Del Cid with Tamra O'Neal, Evans Elementary assistant principal,
Evans Elementary PTA president Sonal Morriswala, and school namesake Mary Evans
(not pictured - recipient Bobby Thakkar)

Olson Elementary School Academic Award Scholarship - $1,000 each
Anmei Zeng, Viana Phan, and Megan Shankle with Amanda Reyes, Olson Elementary
principal; Jennifer Acosta Scott, Olson Elementary PTA president; and school
namesake Lynda and David Olson

Rountree Elementary PTA Scholarship - $500-$1,500 each
Jennifer Estrada, Thomas Seive, and Cori Price with Latricia Smith, Rountree
Elementary PTA treasurer and Letty Bravo, Rountree Elementary PTA president
(not pictured - recipient John Pruden)
Foundation For Allen Schools Sponsored Scholarships

AISD Transportation Department Scholarship - $1,000-$1,150 each
Emily Tran, Joyce Tiong, and Vennela Gajjala with Foundation board member Susan Olinger

AISD Transportation Department Scholarship - $750-$2,500 each
Soham Shah, Taaha Kamal, and Muhammad Alam with Foundation board
member Susan Olinger
(not pictured - recipient Tessa Kennedy and Mohammad Saleh)

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$1,500 each
Surbhi Banubakode, Anthony Bruccoliere, and Carrie Chen with Foundation scholarship
committee chair Pam Toups

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$1,500 each
Bao-Doan Do, Lauren Davis, and Christina Dias

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $1,000 each
Jennifer Odoi, Lauren Gutknecht, and Rachel Frick with Foundation board member Julie Kerr

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $500-$1,500 each
Jacob Waller, Masen Ragsdale, and Jordan Stahl with Foundation board
member Martha Bahnman

Foundation For Allen Schools Scholarship - $1,000 each
Grace Swanson and Krystal Virk with Foundation board member Tim Wilson
(not pictured - recipient Vance Vaughan)
Community Organization Sponsored Scholarships

Allen Eagle Nation Scholarship - $750 each
Kassidy Pullin, Madison Heinrich, and Farah Nashat with Allen Eagle Nation
representatives Julie Gyger, Angie Ortiz, Brandon Weber, Wayne Boline,
Joyce Boline, and Chad Price

Allen Eagle Nation Scholarship - $750-$1,000 each
Ben Brezette, Sheridan Montgomery, Samantha Crouch, and Clare Foley with Allen
Eagle Nation representatives Julie Gyger, Brandon Weber, Angie Ortiz, Wayne Boline,
Joyce Boline, and Chad Price

Allen Garden Club Helen M. Logan Scholarship - $500
Arden van Beek with Nancy Huntt, Allen Garden Club representative

Allen High Noon Lions Club Scholarship - $500 each
Mason Norris, Abigail Frech, Brooke Norman, and Ashtin Armstrong with Allen Hig

Allen Retired Educators Association Scholarship - $1,000 each
Andrew Fowler and Banu Shamsuddoja with AREA members Carole Smithwick
Rhonda Boston, Martha Ferguson, Ella Jo Adams, and Sue Boyette

Friends of the Allen Public Library Scholarship - $500
Lindsay Browne (not pictured - recipient Mohammad Saleh)
Tami Burich Memorial Scholarship - $850
Komal Jakkal
Pictured with Susan Jackson, Friends of the Allen Public Library president

Keep Allen Beautiful - Mardy & Lisa Brown Memorial Scholarship - $500
Madeline Pence with Keep Allen Beautiful representatives Jeanette Brown, Donna Kliewer,
and Susan Ponder

Kiwanis Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Viana Phan and Arden van Beek with Colleen Biggerstaff and Donald Ables, Kiwanis
Club of Allen representatives

Kiwanis Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Ish Patel, Lindsay Browne, and Soham Shah with Colleen Biggerstaff and Donald Ables,
Kiwanis Club of Allen representatives

Rotary Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Fiqir Taye, Alexis Hall, and Courtney Cobb with Randy Sandifer and Ken Chute,
Rotary Club of Allen representatives

Rotary Club of Allen Scholarship - $500 each
Hanita Flora with Randy Sandifer and Ken Chute, Rotary Club of Allen representatives
(not pictured - recipients Madison Jarboe and Sara Schleede)

Rotary Club of Allen - Dr. Steve Burch Memorial Scholarship - $500
Trenton Maycumber with Rotary Club of Allen members Mike Williams, Randy Sandifer,
and Ken Chute and Burch family members Troi Burch, Taryn Burch McPherson,
and Stephen Burch

Corporate Sponsored Scholarships

Allen Properties Scholarship in memory of Dr. Steve Burch - $1,000
Bailee Allen with donor Mike Williams of Allen Properties and Burch family members
Troi Burch, Taryn Burch McPherson, and Stephen Burch

CoServ Charitable Foundation Scholarship - $1,000
Joshua Reiter with Carrie Thomas, CoServ Charitable Foundation representative

CoServ Charitable Foundation Scholarship - $5000
Ashtin Armstrong with Carrie Thomas, CoServ Charitable Foundation representative

Dawson & Associates Education Scholarship - $750
Bethany Spann
Dawson & Associates Business Scholarship - $750
Matthew Sigler
Pictured with donors Jalauna and Steven Dawson of Dawson & Associates

Hellas Construction Inc. Scholarship - $1,000 each
Joseph Kim, Madison Dollarhide, Sammy Chien, and Charles Bui with
Randy Bullock, Hellas Construction Inc. representative

KONE, Inc. Scholarship - $1,000
Emma Wagner with Foundation board member Paige Perry

Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union Scholarship - $500
Connor Garrison with Rafael Rodriguez, RBFCU representative

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen Scholarship - $750-$1,000 each
Monica Bissmeyer, Erica Olfson, and Kirk Baltzell with Crispin Hocate of Texas
Health Presbyterian Hospital Allen

TradeMark Carwash Scholarship - $4,000
Ashton Gilmore with donors Tom and Kim Miller of TradeMark Carwash