Nut Allergy Notice

cartoon image of nurse

Dear Parents,

This year, we have students in our class with severe peanut and/or tree nut allergies.  This means that if they are exposed to peanuts, tree nuts or products with peanuts in them, it could cause severe illness and even death. 

Because of the risk to these students, we need to take these precautions:

  • NO sharing of lunches/snacks

  • All students will wash their hands immediately after lunch and snack and before going to the playground. Hand sanitizer is not sufficient to remove peanut/tree nut residue. If a child is unable to wash their hands with soap and water, a hand wipe may be used.

  • Please be sensitive that students in 3rd grade may have nut allergies.

  • Parents must check with the teacher before bringing treats for the class parties.

Thank you so much for helping us keep ALL of our students safe! 

 Miranda Miller
Preston School Nurse