Science Fair

Do you love science?  Testing hypotheses?  Doing experiments?
Enter this year's Boon Science Fair!

 Dec. 8, 2023

Deadline to complete the Science Fair Entry Form by this date

Dec. 11,  2023

Boon Science Fair Board Check In - bring to school in the morning

Dec. 13 , 2023

Boon Science Fair Judging 

Dec. 15, 2023

Boon Science Winners Announced

Feb 7, 2024

Regional Elementary Science Fair Project Check- In Day 

*campus winners only

Feb 8, 2024

Regional Elementary Science Fair, Garland 

*campus winners only

This year we will have two options for entering the Science Fair competition. Your child may either complete a physical Science Fair Project Display or a virtual Science Fair Project. Please note that if your child progresses to the regional competition, they will be required to submit a physical science fair project. 


If your child is interested in competing in the Science Fair, lease review the Student Handbook, Project Display Rules, and Project Safety Rules that are linked below.

Next, please complete the Science Fair Entry Form linked below. If your child complete a digital project, this is where they will share the link to their project. Please be sure to make the presentation viewable by all (instructions linked below). Both digital and physical projects should complete the entry form no later than Friday December 8th, 2023. 

Science Fair boards will be dropped off on Monday, December 11th 2023. The competition/judging will take place on Wednesday December 13th, and the winners will be announced on Friday December 15th 2023. 

There are three judging categories: 1st - 3rd, 4th-5th, and 6th grade. Please note that Kindergarten students are permitted to enter our campus science fair, but will not have the opportunity to advance to regionals. The regional competition starts in 1st grade.

Individuals, partnerships, and groups of 3 may enter the science fair.