Birthday Book Program

Birthday Bear Buddies through the Chandler Library would like to honor your child on their birthday. With a $20 donation to the library, we purchase a book that becomes a part of the permanent collection and inscribe it with your child’s name and birth date. On his or her birthday, your child will be the first to check out the book and may keep it for two weeks. If your child would like to have one of our special Birthday Bears keep them company at school on their birthday, they may choose one that they would like for the day. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on the student’s half-birthday.  Please explain to your child that the book is a donation and will become part of the Chandler Library collection at the end of the loan period.  

Birthday Bears and Books is a great way to honor your child’s birthday and show your child the value that you place on reading while helping our book collection grow.

Payments will only be accepted on SchoolPay this year.