DAEP Placement Information Sheet


The Dillard Center does offer food services for students.  Students who choose may purchase lunch and their accounts are debited accordingly.  Students may also elect to bring a sacked lunch from home. Any drinks brought must be in a factory sealed, unopened container.  

  • Food should not be delivered during the school day. If, for some reason, a parent needs to bring lunch to a student we request no hot items, such as fast food or pizza.

  • No microwave items are allowed.

  • Drinks opened prior to entering Dillard will be thrown away.

  • You should advise the administrator if you are on free or reduced lunch and would like for that benefit to continue.

  • Food and drinks are only allowed at desks during lunch time. 


Electronic Devices:

Students placed in the DAEP program are not permitted to bring cell phones or other electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, wireless earbuds, gaming devices, etc.). Policy violation consequences:

  • 1st offense - Devices are not returned to students.  Parent will be notified to sign for and pick up device.

  • 2nd offense - Device taken up and parent will need to sign for and pay a $15 fee in order to pick up device.

  • Any additional violations of the electronic device policy will result in devices not being returned until the end of the student's placement.



If your child is absent, please notify the school via email or call 972-727-7163. Upon return to Dillard, parent(s) must provide a signed not explaining the reason for the absence(s) and the date of the absence(s). If the note is not received within 3 school days of the student returning to school, the absence(s) will be marked as unexcused. Excessive absences can be cause to extend a student's placement at the Dillard Center. 



Allen ISD does not provide bus services for students placed in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program at the Dillard Center.  Parents/guardians are responsible for arranging transportation for their student to and from the Dillard Center each day.  Students are not allowed to drive to Dillard.