Crochet with Ms. Harrop

Ms. Harrop has moved to North Carolina. Email her at

Ms. Harrop, the previous librarian, has been crocheting for several years. She has made scarves, hats, ottomans, blankets, a giant panda, and even a plush Flossie Fox! Several students have asked for advice or help to start their own crochet projects at home. The videos below are a great starting place. Following videos online, and being able to pause and re-watch as many times as needed, can make crocheting fun and easy!
Feel free to stop by the library to show off your creations!

Crochet Examples

Crochet Videos

These are great videos to help you get started!

Practice slip knots and the chain stitch until you feel confident. Then try a single crochet stich. Scarves and small blankets are great first projects!

Crochet for Children

Excellent Beginner Tutorial Playlist

Jonah Larson Crochet

Slip Knot & Foundation Chain

Single Crochet

Half Double Crochet

Common Beginner Struggles

Double Crochet

Beginner Scarf