PTA Year in Review

Hey parents, 


23-24 was another school year full of change – But we’re wrapping it up stronger and closer than ever. Look at all we accomplished! 


Thank you to everyone for coming together to support our school & our kids. Next year is going to be even better! Our mission is to no longer dwell on the past and embrace the bright future – To ditch the division and move into a new year as one incredible Olson family. 

We’ve got a full PTA Board currently debriefing last year & strategizing for next. Sneak peek: 24-25 is going to be EPIC. 

 Here’s how to stay connected & get involved: 

·  Pre-order your 24-25 PTA Membership (+ school supply packs & House Color shirts)

·  Join the Olson PTA Facebook Group (we have grade level groups too!)

·  Join the Olson PTA on Remind

·  Fill out a PTA Volunteer Interest Form  

We’re here if you have questions! Email

Have an awesome Summer,  

The Olson PTA