Best Robotics Club - See Below for the List of Finalists (updated 5/22)

BEST and VEX Robotics clubs are two different after-school programs that Ereckson Middle School offers students wanting to learn and challenge themselves by working with groups of students to accomplish one task or challenge.

BEST Robotics can support up to 40 students, while VEX Robotics can support up to 21-24 students. 

BEST Robotics uses a VEX Cortex Processor which is also used in part by the VEX Robotics club.

BEST Robotics' season lasts from September through November (and possibly December).

VEX Robotics' season starts in April of 2024 and lasts until April of 2025 (although our club normally ends in February).

BEST Robotics uses common everyday materials from Home Depot or Lowe's to construct their robot.

VEX Robotics uses two types of platforms in their club.  VEX VRC uses metal components needing to be cut and custom fitted, while VEX IQ uses pre-fabricated plastic pieces that snap together.

BEST does not require a fee to participate but does have student participant limits determined by the available club committees.

VEX Robotics collects a $60 fee for parts, equipment, event fees, and other supplies that can only be purchased through VEXROBOTICS.COM and ROBOTEVENTS.COM. 

Click HERE for a general information Google Slide presenation about BEST and VEX robotics.

The BEST Robotics Club Finalists have been selected!

See you next year!

BEST Robotics Club Finalists 24-25

Robotics Camp Info and Registration