Credit by Examination (CBE) Information

Credit by Exam (CBE) Information

Registration for CBE exams is NOW open. Please read below for information and how to register.

  • Incoming Middle Schoolers:

    • Incoming 7th graders: No CBE testing permitted.

    • Incoming 8th graders: 8th grade Math - only for students who were enrolled in Math 7 and want to take Algebra I Advanced in 8th grade. Families interested in this need to register for the Math 8 Boot Camp. Registration opens in April (more information can be found here).

  • Incoming 9th graders:

    • Language other than English (LOTE) - 2 types of tests available

      • 1. Avant STAMP 4S Exams available: Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese (Simplified), Mandarin Chinese (Traditional)Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish***

        Bold tests require a specialized keyboard installation for writing input.

        ***Spanish Avant assessments are available in both Stamp 4S and World Speak formats. For most non-native speakers, Stamp 4S is the default test. World Speak is the default test for native speakers. 

      • 2. Avant World Speak Exams available: Amharic, Armenian, Chin (Hakha), Chuukese, Czech, Filipino (Tagalog), French, Haitian-Creole, Hmong, Ilocano, Kannada, Korean, Marathi, Marshallese, Samoan, Somali Maay Maay, Somali Maxaa, Spanish***Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yup'ik

        Bold tests require a specialized keyboard installation for writing input.

        ***Spanish Avant assessments are available in both Stamp 4S and World Speak formats. For most non-native speakers, Stamp 4S is the default test. World Speak is the default test for native speakers. 

Official score results will be communicated to a student's parent/guardian and the home campus after testing.

Test Dates and Registration Deadlines:

June  2nd-5th EOA/CBE registration deadline is May 2


July 9-10 EOA/CBE registration deadline is May 23

Registering for the test has begun. Please email your child's counselor the following information when you are ready to register:

  • Legal First and Last Name

  • Student ID Number

  • Current Grade

  • Specific class student is wanting to CBE (credit by examination)

  • Which testing date student would like to test (please keep in mind that choosing the July test could potentially impact student's fall schedule)

FAQ document: CBE FAQ Document