History and Namesake

Max Vaughan and his wife, Hettie

Vaughan Elementary’s Namesake

Historically, Allen schools have been named for school or community members who have made contributions to the service and education of young people. In 1989, when an additional elementary school was built to satisfy the growing population, a search began to identify such a dedicated person. Max O. Vaughan was awarded that distinction, serving as one of the many pillars of the Allen community and school district.

For 32 years, Max Oliver Vaughan worked with children, serving as a teacher, coach, principal, assistant superintendent and director of maintenance. Upon his retirement in 1986, he could still be found attending Allen ISD events and serving as a substitute teacher for the district. He often visited the students and staff of Vaughan Elementary. Mr. Vaughan welcomed students to the new school year as he held open the front door and greeted each one who entered. He was also an integral part of the annual Vaughan Veteran’s Day Celebration and Parade each year. Mr. Vaughan passed away in November of 2005.

Mr. Vaughan was married to his wife, Hettie, for over 50 years. The children of Vaughan Elementary helped them celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary in the fall of 2003. The Vaughan’s reared three children, Rodney, Vicki, and Chris, all of which attended the Allen schools K – 12th grade. Rodney and Vicki followed in their father's footsteps by becoming educators in AISD themselves.

Max Vaughan’s work, moral standards and ethics, his personal nature, and his rapport with people, made him an ideal example of how to dedicate one’s life to a community and its youth. It was with great honor that on October 15, 1989 a dedication service was held for Max O. Vaughan Elementary School, a place where quality education continues.

the four principals of Vaughan elementary smiling together

Vaughan Principals 1989 - 2017

Pam Hale, Mary Clark, Honey Gray, J.D. Kennedy 
 (Picture taken at the 25th Faculty/Staff Reunion)