Max O. Vaughan Elementary School

Home of the Vaughan Vikings
820 Cottonwood Drive
Allen, Texas 75002
(972) 727-0470
(972) 727-0579 Fax
Tonya Jasenof, Principal
Becky Dwyer, Assistant Principal
Melissa Dreher, Counselor
Manuela Jimenez, Office Secretary
Nera Van Ark, Attendance/Registrar
Tricia Chen, Receptionist
Kathryn Higman, Nurse
Click here for directions to Max O. Vaughan Elementary School.
School Colors: Purple and White
School Mascot: Vikings
School Motto: We're Sailing Toward New Horizons
School Song: Vikings Sail
The Vaughan Viking Creed
Vaughan Vikings Sail!
S strive for success,
A always have a positive attitude,
I inspire and respect others, and
L love learning!
Mission Statement
Vaughan Elementary develops good citizens and life-long learners by empowering each to realize his or her full potential in a caring, safe environment.
Vaughan Elementary has been known for its SAFE, CARING culture and environment since its opening in the fall of 1989. As we look to the future of our school, the faculty and staff believe that this tradition must continue on behalf of the students we will influence in the years to come.
C Children are our chosen customers, and we provide the most significant service to them.
A All children can learn and deserve the highest quality education.
R Relationships based on respect and trust are essential to our task.
I Interesting and engaging work leads to deeper understanding and learning for children.
N Nothing is impossible when we work as a team.
G Grace is given to all, as each day is a new beginning.
S Safety and security are a top priority.
A Affirmation of success and effort occurs at all levels.
F Friendliness, integrity, and citizenship are fundamental to developing leaders.
E Every decision is based on what is best for children!