AHS Testing Center
Welcome to the Testing Center!
Location: B204 - next to Upper Library
STEAM Center Location: B218
Testing Center Coordinator: Amy Jonke
Testing Center Assistant: Valerie Holloway
STEAM Testing Center Coordinator:
Testing Center Hours
Monday- 8:45am to 4:10pm
Tuesday & Thursday- 8:45am to 5:00pm
Wednesday- 8:00am to 4:10pm
Friday - 8:00am to 4:10pm
For a secured seat assignment, 24-hour advance registration is required.
When scheduling your testing time, be sure you have enough time to complete your exam before another class period begins. We are unable to offer a note of excusal.
The Testing Center is designed to provide all students a quiet environment in which to re-take tests or take tests that were missed due to an absence. The Testing Center is also available for students with various needs as served through the Support Services Department.
Students who are retaking an exam or taking an exam due to an absence must obtain a Testing Center Admittance Ticket from your teacher and register online to take a test. Online test registration is accessible 24 hours a day and must be completed a minimum of 24 hours in advance of desired reservation time.
Testing Center Procedures
Students may use the Testing Center only during privilege periods and before or after school.
Register ONLINE, making sure all information is entered correctly and in great detail so we may prepare for your arrival.
Students taking a test during a privilege period or before or after school, will report to the Testing Center at the beginning of that appointment time. Students arriving after 10min of their reserved time may lose their reserved seat.
Students must present their current school ID and Testing Ticket (provided by teacher) in order to utilize the Testing Center.
Upon entering the Testing Center, students will place their books and bags in the space provided.
Electronic devices are never allowed in the Testing Center. Cell phones, personal calculators, smart watches, and tablets should be turned off and stored in your backpack kept in lobby of Testing Center.
Calculators, scratch paper, formula charts are provided for your use while testing.
Students should be prepared for tests. If you need to study prior to your exam, please visit the library or another choice area. The Testing Center is reserved for test taking.
No partial tests will be given. Students may not take a portion of a test and then return later to finish. Once a student begins the test, it must be finished. Your teacher may provide authorization for other accommodation.
Students are not allowed to leave an academic class to come to the Testing Center and take a test unless served through Support Services Department. Parents are not allowed to call a student out of a class to take a test.