Allen High School -- VOE (Verification of Enrollment) Request Process
Driver License Attendance Verification (Allen High School)
A currently enrolled student seeking a driver’s license shall submit the Texas Department of Public Safety Verification of Enrollment and Attendance Form (VOE) to the student’s House Office at least 10 days before it is needed. The House Office will issue a VOE only if the student meets class credit or attendance requirements. The student will pick up their VOE (if approved) in their house office after communication that the VOE is ready to be picked up.
VOE's will not be emailed or faxed for any reason.
Students, if your House Office is closed, please visit the nearsest House Office for help.
The VOE form,, is available online. Further information may be found on the Texas Department of Public Safety website,
VOE Pick Up During the Summer
VOE's can be picked up in the main office of the high school from 8-4pm Monday-Thursday.