Eagle Give Day has become a cherished tradition in Allen ISD, uniting students to make a meaningful impact on their community. On the early-release Friday before Thanksgiving, Allen High School students participated in a variety of service projects across campus, showcasing their dedication to helping others.
Highlights of the day included preparing 3,600 PB&J sandwiches for the homeless, packing 700 Care & Share kits, assembling 325 hygiene backpacks for the homeless, and creating 120 holiday stockings for children supported by the Childrenâs Advocacy Center. Students also crafted 204 goodie bags for advocacy center recipients, painted 53 sun-catchers for senior residents, made 145 care kits for CPS caseworkers, and built 60 blankets for Burning Hope.
Additional activities involved decorating 367 lunch bags, making 500 holiday cards for nursing home residents, and creating 254 sunshine bags for pediatric hospital patients. They also packed 158 snack bags for Boyd Elementary students, designed 370 origami pieces for teachers, and participated in a global Zoom with 45 students in Uruguay.
This spirit of giving extended beyond Allen High School, as campuses across the district contributed their own service projects. Thank you to the students, staff, and community members who made Eagle Give Day a district-wide celebration of kindness. Together, Allen ISD continues to strengthen the community, one act of service at a time.
View the full photo gallery at https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBSDsc