2024-2025 AP/IB Exam Registration Policies and Procedures
Allen High School provides the opportunity for AHS students to take AP and IB Exams in the May testing cycle. AHS utilizes Total Registration for all AP and IB Exam registration and payment. No physical money transfer will occur on the AHS campus for AP/IB Exams. AHS has specific policies and procedures regarding AP and IB Exam registration. Please see those items outlined below. These will be re-iterated to students and families during the Fall and Spring Exam registration videos which will be released during the school year.
Spring 2025 AP Exam Registration Video. AHS students, after watching this video, please access the AP Student Resource Center in Canvas to submit the acknowledgment.
Spring 2025 AP Exam Registration Video (Spanish). AHS students, after watching this video, please access the AP Student Resource Center in Canvas to submit the acknowledgment.
Total Registration: AP Exam Registration - Spring Courses Only.
Fall 2024 AP Exam Registration Video. AHS students, after watching this video, please access the AP Student Resource Center in Canvas to submit the acknowledgment.
Total Registration: AP Exam Registration
Fall 2024 IB Exam Registration Video. AHS students, after watching this video, please access the IB Student Resource Center in Canvas to submit the acknowledgment.
Total Registration: IB Exam Registration
Fall 2024 AP/IB Exam Registration Dates:
September 19, 2024, at 12 a.m. CST - October 4, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CST. October 4th is a FIRM deadline. There will be NO late AP/IB registrations.
AP Exam fees - $103
IB Exam fees - $128
To successfully complete your registration for your AP Exam(s) you must complete the TWO-STEP process.
Join your AP Classroom. The classroom code will be provided by your AP teacher during the Fall and the Spring (only for AP Spring Courses).
Register and submit PAYMENT through Total Registration before the due date.
Please make sure that you include your name and student ID number as it is shown in Skyward in the CollgeBoard and Total Registration platforms.
Payment plan options are available on the Total Registration website. You must provide a minimum payment of $20 for each Exam that you registered for to secure a payment plan.
Full payment of all AP/IB Exams must be completed by the deadline specified in Total Registration of April 1, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. CST; otherwise, your exam registration will be cancelled and you will NOT receive a refund for any payments made towards the exam registration.
If a student would like to see if they qualify for Free/Reduced lunch which will reduce exam fees to $23, they can contact their House Office or apply here. If you apply for the Free/Reduced Lunch exam option, this will be approved in Total Registration by the Advanced Academics Coordinator. Once this is approved, you can pay your exam fee in Total Registration. As a reminder, you must re-apply for Free/Reduced lunch every school year.
If you have a 504/IEP and are provided accommodations in class at AHS, this does not mean you also have accommodations with the College Board. Accommodation requests must be approved by the College Board via their Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office.
To apply for College Board accommodations, you must use this form.
If you have already been approved by the College Board for SSD accommodations, you do not need to re-apply as these follow with you each year.
Any College Board Accommodation requests submitted via the form above that come after the College Board's January 16, 2025 deadline are not guaranteed to be approved by the College Board by the AP Exam date.
For IB Exams, students with 504/IEP accommodations at AHS, will need to make a specific request via Mr. Salas or Mr. Lemons to apply for Inclusive Access Arrangements with the International Baccalaureate. These requests will need to be made no later than November 1st.
Some AP Exams will be offered in digital, in-person format only (please see below). Registration for digital, in-person AP exams is no different than paper and pencil registration. If your AP Exam is being given digitally or in-person, this will be communicated to you. There are no digital IB exams yet.
Students should be sure to have memorized and updated their MyAP College Board account to be able to log into their digital exam.
If you are a non-AHS student requesting to take an Exam Only, you must provide proof of City of Allen residence. We will test homeschooled students who live within the City of Allen school boundaries only.
As mentioned below, some exams are given in digital, in-person exclusive format. For City of Allen homeschool students who are approved, registered, and paid to test at AHS, they will be provided with an Allen ISD device at their time of exam arrival.
After October 4th, 2024, there will be NO REFUNDS on any AP or IB Exams for the FALL 2024 Registration Dates, regardless of the cancellation reason.
AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Spanish IV Native Speakers
Students who are taking AP Government and/or AP Macroeconomics must register and pay for the exam during the Semester in which they are sitting in the class. You must complete the TWO-STEP process (Join AP classroom, register, and pay through Total Registration).
For example, if you are taking AP Government in the Fall, you will register and pay for AP Government in the Fall.
DO NOT register for AP Macroeconomics in the Fall if you are taking the class in the Spring. If you do this, your exam registration will be cancelled.
If you took AP Government or AP Macroeconomics in the Fall Semester and attempt to register in the Spring, your registration will be denied and cancelled.
Fall Semester AP Government and AP Macroeconomics students are expected to register and submit payment through Total Registration before 11:59 p.m. CST on October 4th.
Spring Registrations will only take place for Second Semester students enrolled in AP Government and AP Macroeconomics.
AP Spanish IV Native Speakers will also register in the Spring of 2025.
Spring 2025 AP Exam Registration Dates ONLY apply for AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Spanish IV Native Speakers students taking these courses during the Spring 2025.
Registration and payment is through Total Registration from February 3, 2025, at 12 a.m. CST to February 10, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. CST. February 10th is a FIRM deadline. There will be NO late AP Registrations.
AP Exam fees - $103
After February 10th, 2025, there will be NO REFUNDS on AP Exams for the Spring 2025 Registration Dates, regardless of the cancellation reason.
AP Art History
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP Environmental Science
AP Human Geography
AP United States Government and Politics
AP World History
AP European History
AP US History
AP Psychology
These exams will be administered in a digital, in-person format ONLY.
There will be no paper and pencil administration of these exams.
Students must bring their Allen ISD school-issued device.
More information regarding AP Digital and in-person Exams will be released in Spring 2025.
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Statistics
The following subjects will remain unchanged for 2025 but will transition to Bluebook digital testing in the future
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP French Language and Culture
AP Music Theory
Tardiness to AP/IB Exams will NOT be tolerated. If you miss your AP or IB Exam due to tardiness, you will not be given a refund for that exam and you will not be moved to Late AP testing. There are NO Late IB Exams given.
You must come prepared for your AP/IB Exams. You must have a school-issued or government, non-paper ID. NO ID = NO EXAM!
No. 2 pencils
Blue or black ink pens
Watches that cannot access the internet and/or beep
Permitted calculators (Curious about which calculators you can bring? Check out this link.)
Rulers or straightedge for Physics exams
Electronic equipment including phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, wearable technology, cameras, recording or listening devices, or any other type of electronic communication devices.
Books, reference guides, notes, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, pencils that are not No. 2, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or colored pencils.
Scratch paper: students are prohibited from bringing scratch paper to the AP Exam. AP Chinese Exam: scratch paper will be provided.
Watches that beep, make noise, or have an alarm.
Computers or calculators are not approved.
Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions.
Food or drink.
You will not be allowed to access your bags during the exam. You will be allowed to eat a snack and grab a drink only during exam breaks. You will place your snacks and drinks in a specific location designated by the proctor.
You are not allowed to leave the exam room for an unscheduled break when 10 minutes are remaining in an exam section.
Any restroom breaks that you take outside of the scheduled break during the exam, will impact your exam timing. You will not get that time back. You must notify the proctor if you need to use the restroom outside of the scheduled break time.
There are NO approved absences for IB Exams as there are NO LATE IB Exams. If you miss your IB Exam, you miss the opportunity to earn your IB Diploma and/or IB Course Certificate.
IB Exam times may vary depending on the exam being given. IB students will receive a specific IB Exam calendar in April of 2025 from Mr. Salas.
You must arrive EARLY for your AP and IB Exams. Start planning transportation weeks in advance as buses will not be running before and after exam times.
8 a.m. Exams (AP) - Students must arrive NO LATER than 7:30 a.m.
9 a.m. Exams (IB) - Students must arrive NO LATER than 8:30 a.m.
12 p.m. Exams (AP) - Students must arrive NO LATER than 11:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Exams (IB) - Students must arrive NO LATER than 12:30 p.m.
Arrival Location - Most AP/IB Exams will occur in the Competition Gym. If your exam is taking place in the Competition or PE Gym, please go to Door 86 outside the Auxiliary Gym. You will be escorted to your exam with your ID checked by Mr. Salas. If your exam is not in the Competition Gym, please go directly to your exam location.
If you have two exams back to back on the same day, please bring enough water, snacks, and your lunch. There is limited time between the morning and the afternoon testing session. Therefore, plan your eating and use of the restroom accordingly. You will be expected to re-sit for your next exam as soon as we can start the check-in process for the afternoon testing session. There will not be enough time to get food from the school cafeteria. We will not reschedule back-to-back exams.
Late AP Exams are only provided to students who meet approved absence criteria (please see below). Please fill out the LATE AP EXAM Request Form if you meet the approved absence criteria.
If you are not able to fill out the LATE AP EXAM Request Form please contact the AP Coordinator at jose.salasbaranao@allenisd.org, no later than 24 hours after the original exam time.
Late AP Exam dates are communicated via school email to students who are approved to test late.
Approved AP Exam Absences
Conflict with AP/IB exam occurring at the same time
Conflict with school-sponsored athletic/academic event
Conflict due to a College Board-approved (SSD) accommodation
Illness, accompanied by a doctor's note, submitted through LATE AP EXAM Request Form and provided to the AP Coordinator within 24 hours of the original exam time
Non-Approved AP Exam Absences
Family events including weddings, graduations, birthdays, etc.
Non-school-sponsored athletic events or academic contests
College visit or vacation
*The College Board allows individual campuses to establish their internal registration deadlines, internal exam pricing, and internal late testing policies. Allen High School's policies are outlined above. Students and families should be familiar with our policies above before registering for AP Exams. Students and parents have agreed to the above policies when registering and paying for an AP Exam at Allen High School.*