Late Bus Information

Late Buses are available every Tuesday and Wednesday after school for students who stay for tutoring, testing, or club meetings.  

Students must have a signed and dated "Late Bus Pass" from the tutoring teacher, testing center monitor, or club sponsor each time they ride the late bus.  

The late bus leaves Lowery at 5:00 p.m. and heads to AHS. Buses will depart the teardrop at 5:15 p.m. and head to the following locations (Bus Numbers are subject to change):

There are no late buses on early release days

Bus 81 (NW Side)

Cheatham, Lindsey, and Preston Elementary Schools

Bus 61 (NE Side)

Curtis Middle School and Marion Elementary School

Bus 114 (SE Side)

Story, Chandler Elementary School, and Ford Middle School

Bus 127 (SW Side)

Ereckson Middle School and Evans Elementary School