Late Bus Information
Late Buses are available every Tuesday and Wednesday after school for students who stay for tutoring, testing, or club meetings.
Students must have a signed and dated "Late Bus Pass" from the tutoring teacher, testing center monitor, or club sponsor each time they ride the late bus.
The late bus leaves Lowery at 5:00 p.m. and heads to AHS. Buses will depart the teardrop at 5:15 p.m. and head to the following locations (Bus Numbers are subject to change):
There are no late buses on early release days
Bus 81 (NW Side) | Cheatham, Lindsey, and Preston Elementary Schools |
Bus 61 (NE Side) | Curtis Middle School and Marion Elementary School |
Bus 114 (SE Side) | Story, Chandler Elementary School, and Ford Middle School |
Bus 127 (SW Side) | Ereckson Middle School and Evans Elementary School |