
About Science
Allen ISD develops lessons that allow the students to explore and experience science. We cultivate curiosity for the next generation of scientists. Science is the study of phenomena around us and is concerned with what can be tested. For something to be classified as science, it has to be testable. Science phenomena are everywhere so we believe learning science can occur anywhere. Students should explore and be taught science every day.
Science instruction in Allen ISD is built around these beliefs.
The curriculum in Allen ISD is aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. Access the TEKS for each grade level and course.
Contact Science
612 E. Bethany Drive • Allen, TX 75002
972-727-0511 phone
972-727-0434 fax
Coordinator of Science, Health and Physical Education
Cynthia O'Neill
District Instructional Specialist, Science
Meghan Wish
District Instructional Specialist, Science
Vicki Matherly
Administrative Assistant, Science/Health & PE