What is SOAR 2030?
The world is changing and so are we. Allen ISD's culture of excellence is built on continually improving to meet the needs of our students. The Allen ISD family will meet the challenge of educating students in a changing world through a relentless focus on culture, future ready skills, and empowered learning.
Allen ISD's SOAR 2030 strategic visioning process was a collaboration of around 150 students, staff, parents and community members. The SOAR 2030 Strategic Visioning Committee met from September 2019 to February 2020 to ensure Allen ISD's vision for the future is aligned with student needs and community expectations.
Our three district goals: 1. Culture of Excellence, 2. Future Ready Skills, 3. Empowered Learning serve as pillars for the Allen ISD Stategic Vision. Each goal is further identified by three district objectives. Throughout the SOAR 2030 process, committee members collaborated in working groups to design strategic targets, strategies and, key indicators. This resulted in a measurable plan focused on outcomes.
The SOAR 2030 Strategic Vision focuses our organization on deliverable goals that strengthen our core beliefs and suppor all Allen ISD students in graduating ready to enter college, career, or the military with skills they need to succeed.
SOAR 2030 Visioning Committee Statement