GATE Academy
About the GATE Academy
Allen ISD’s GATE Academy, located at Vaughan Elementary, focuses on the unique intellectual, academic, social, and emotional needs of gifted students. The GATE Academy provides a culture in which learners engage in rigorous and meaningful academic experiences that empower them to take risks and pursue passions. The Academy promotes the understanding of each student’s strengths, preferences, and values and is committed to helping students gain a better, deeper understanding of the core content.
GATE Academy Lottery Information 2025
The GATE Academy lottery application window will be open from March 25-April 11, 2025. Applications received during this time are for an opportunity to participate in the lottery for the 2025-2026 school year.
Join us on March 25, 2025 at 5pm for a webinar outlining information on the GATE Acadaemy at Vaughan Elementary, participation in the lottery process to attend the GATE Academy, and an opportunity for questions and answers. Join here, no registration required.
Can't make it? No problem! This webinar will be recorded and posted below.
Contact the GATE Academy
Vaughan Elementary School
820 Cottonwood Drive • Allen, TX 75002
Tonya Jasenof
Rebecca Dwyer
Assistant Principal
Kari Lockhart
Advanced Academics Coordinator
Amy James
District Gifted & Talented Instructional Specialist