Registration And Enrollment
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Is NOW Open
To enroll in an Allen ISD school, a student must live within the boundaries of Allen ISD and meet state age and health requirements. A child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 to enter Kindergarten and 6 years old on or before September 1 to enter first grade.
Getting Started
STEP 1: Enroll Your Student.
To expedite the enrollment process, complete the online enrollment application and upload the required documents listed below within the application. Please review the New Student Online Enrollment Parent Tutorial for step-by-step instructions.
New to AISD: Parents/guardians that are new to AISD Click here to create an enrollment account.
Sibling Enrollment: Parents/Guardians enrolling a new student with a sibling currently attending Allen ISD, Click here and use your existing Family Access username and password.
Returning to AISD Student: Parents/Guardians that are re-enrolling a student that has previously attended and withdrawn from an Allen ISD school, please click here to enroll. The online system will recognize pre-existing email addresses and will be prompted with directions on how to proceed. Please communicate that you are re-enrolling your student when the campus registrar contacts you to finalize enrollment.
NOTE: If you receive a “Does not have enrollment access” message when attempting to log into Family Access, please contact your school’s registrar.
STEP 2: Required Enrollment Documents. Click here for a printable checklist.
Required Enrollment Documents:
Birth Certificate or Passport (how to order a birth certificate video) Students under age 11 - birth certificate required
Immunization Records (Texas Requirements) Please Note: New student enrollment applications will NOT be processed without completed, up-to-date immunization records that are approved by a school nurse
Picture ID of Parent/Guardian Enrolling Student
Court Documents regarding Parental Rights (if applicable)
Proof of Residency within school attendance boundaries.
Supply one of the following:
Current Utility bill (gas, water, or electric) one only
HUD Settlement Statement, or Closing Disclosure OR
Lease Agreement, OR
Contract of Sale/Lease Contract
Withdrawal Form/Report Card from the previous school
Transcript for high school student
Previous School Address & Phone Number
The campus will contact you to confirm and finalize your student's enrollment.
Skyward Access for New to Allen ISD Parents:
If you are new to Allen ISD and have recently enrolled your student and have a confirmed enrollment via a campus registrar, please follow this link and enter your email address to gain access to your Skyward Family Access login:
Forgotten Login/Password for a Parent Skyward Family Access Account:
Parents that have forgotten their login and/or password please follow this link: