STAAR and CCMR Trend Data
Allen ISD’s mission is to cultivate innovation in education that empowers every learner to realize his or her full potential. Allen ISD is committed to the academic success of all students and engages in continuous improvement efforts to ensure students are growing every year. The STAAR/EOC results and College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) outcomes data are some of the measures reflecting how our students are gaining the necessary knowledge and skills important for future successes.
When STAAR/EOC results are aggregated for all students in Grades 3-8 and in all End-of-Course areas, our district’s performance data demonstrates a positive trend across the past three years, as evidenced by the graph below.

Additionally, Allen ISD’s performance consistently trends higher than regional and state data at all three performance levels, as demonstrated by the series of graphs below.
In addition to measures of academic achievement as reflected on STAAR/EOC assessments, the College, Career, and Military (CCMR) outcomes data serves as a district’s measure of preparing students for post-secondary success. Within the state’s accountability system, students achieve CCMR by meeting various indicators reflecting a graduate’s preparedness for college, the workforce, or the military. There are a variety of indicators including performance on SAT/ACT/TSI exams, meeting criteria on AP or IB exams, earning industry-based certifications, and military enlistment. As evidenced in the graph below, Allen ISD has continued to increase the percentage of students meeting these state defined indicators for CCMR for the past three years and continues to outpace college, career and military readiness of students within both the region and state.

The STAAR/EOC results and CCMR outcomes data shown here represent only a small portion of the academic successes of our students. A variety of assessments are utilized in Allen ISD illustrating student learning over time. It is best practice to reference multiple measures of data to inform you of your student’s academic progress. In Allen ISD, some of these measures include the Measures of Academic Performance (MAP), the mClass suite of early literacy assessments, PSAT/SAT and AP exams. Most importantly, consider the classroom assessments and feedback provided by your student’s teachers.
Allen ISD is committed to providing high quality instruction and relevant learning for all students, and recognizes the important role parents have in their student’s education. For additional information regarding your student’s academic achievement and growth, please contact your student’s teachers.
Click here for more information about the A-F Accountability Refresh and Accountability Ratings system.