Fine Arts

About Fine Arts
Allen ISD provides a high-quality fine arts education for all students, supporting their academic, social, emotional, and creative development. This goal is achieved through a comprehensive performing and visual arts curriculum that provides a wide range of learning experiences and performing opportunities.
Fine arts education in Allen ISD begins in Kindergarten and continues through the twelfth grade. In each K-6 elementary school, students are taught by certified, degreed music and art specialists. Beginning in grade 6, students continue to receive art instruction and can choose band, orchestra, or choir as their music class. At the middle school, the fine arts course offerings become elective choices. A middle school student may choose from visual art, band, choir, orchestra, and/or theater. Fine arts courses at the freshman center and high school include visual art, band, choir, dance, orchestra, theater, and music theory (high school only).
300 Rivercrest Boulevard • Allen, TX 75002
Jeff Turner
Director of Fine Arts
Denise Virgil
Administrative Assistant