Silver Eagles

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Join The Silver Eagles

Stay informed about your school district, attend special events and performances, hear directly from our district leaders on important issues, and enjoy socializing with your friends and neighbors!

  • Membership in the Silver Eagles Club is FREE and open to those aged 55 and older!

  • Members attend Silver Eagles meetings and activities designed for your interest – including field trips to campuses and special facilities such as the Allen ISD STEAM Center.

  • Enjoy discounted tickets to select fine arts and athletic events.

  • Q & A opportunities with school district leaders.

  • Presentations and performances by Allen ISD students.

To register and join the Silver Eagles Club, please complete the form at the link below (or scan the QR code using your cell phone camera or QR reader):

Register Here to join the Silver Eagles Club

Volunteer Opportunities


Reed Book Fair Volunteers Needed March 5th - 13th

Reed Elementary PTA will be hosting a Book Fair beginning 3/5 - 3/13, and they are looking for volunteers to help set up, help classes preview the book fair as well as assist students in finding and purchasing books.

Slots are 2 hours and 15 minutes, however, if you are not available for the whole time period, just make a note when you sign up at the link below:

**You must be a 24-25 Allen ISD Approved Volunteer to participate. Click HERE to complete the application if you have not already done so for this school year.**


Silver Eagles & Eagle Fun Run

Join us for the Eagle Run and make a difference while having fun! Whether you prefer to run, walk, or sleep in, your participation counts. If we get 10 people to sign up for the Eagle Run and choose the Silver Eagles category, we’ll earn $5 per registrant—money that will go directly into our Silver Eagles Scholarship Fund. It’s a great way to support a worthy cause and have some fun along the way! Rally your friends, family, and neighbors, and let's reach our goal while showing our school spirit. Every step (or snooze) brings us closer to making a big impact! Sign up for the Eagle Run HERE

 In addition, the Silver Eagles Club will have a booth at the event to share information about our club with the community. We are in need of Silver Eagles to help with the booth set up, hand out flyers, answer questions, and cheer on our Allen Eagle runners!

 If you are interested in helping, click HERE to sign up. Please note, the 6:00 am - 7:00 am timeslot will primarily be for setting up the booth, while the other timeslots will focus more on spreading the word and sharing info.

 We appreciate your support!


Volunteers Needed for STEAM Night at Reed Elementary 3/28/25

Reed PTA will be hosting STEAM Night on Friday, March 28th for students and their families. This event will be filled with science, technology, engineering and math. Adult volunteers are needed to "float" for an hour to assist anyone who may need help.

Please click on the link below if you are able to volunteer*:

*You must be a 24-25 Allen ISD Approved Volunteer to participate. Click HERE to complete the application if you have not already done so for this school year.


Ford Mustang Outpost

Silver Eagle Shirley Bayles has brought to our attention that the Ford Middle School Mustang Outpost is in need of food, clothing, gently used coats, new underwear, socks and personal hygiene products.

 This program is run by Ford school counselors who discreetly pack up items for Ford students and their families in need.

 Foods that are needed, but are not limited to, are:

·     Chicken Noodle/Vegetable Soups (cans with pop-top lid)

·     Canned fruit - peaches, pears, mandarin oranges (cans with pop-top lid)

·     Fruit bars

·     Granola bars

·     Breakfast bars

·     Tuna (cans with pop-top lids)

·     Mac 'n Cheese (plastic container with peel-top for microwave)

·     Hamburger Helper

·     Dry cereal

 Items can be dropped off directly to Ford Middle School or to the Community Services office located inside the Dillard Center at 601 E. Main Allen, TX 75002.

 One can of food, one breakfast bar, one pair of socks or underwear makes a world of difference in a child’s life. Thank you for considering a donation.