How to Submit Student Absence Notes
When your student is absent, parents need to submit an Absent Note for our records.
What needs to be included in an Absent Note:
Child's first and last name
Date(s) the child was absent
Reason why the child was absent
Parent Signature
Options to submit absences
Skyward - - Submit absence online through the Skyward website or mobile app. (Doctor's notes are not able to be sent in Skyward, please submit those to the front office.)
Email - Email the school registrar with a scanned in/picture of a handwritten excuse note or doctor's note. View campus contact information.
Phone - Call the front office at the school to report the absence. When a student returns please send an Absent Note or submit via Skyward. View campus contact information.
Note - The student may bring a note from home within three days of their return to school. If not turned in within the three-day window, absences will be counted as unexcused.
Important Reminders
Absences due to travel are not excused absences. They are counted as unexcused absences
If a student is absent for illness for more than five consecutive days, a doctor's note must be provided in order for the days to be excused.
When students come in late to school or checkout early due to a dentist or doctor appointment, please turn in the doctor's note to excuse the partial day absence.
Submitted Absence Notes are not automatically excused. They will be reviewed and then approved on a case-by-case basis.