Special Services
About Special Services
The mission of the Allen Independent School District Special Services Program is to promote successful learning for all students who are eligible for Section 504 or Special Education services through effective instructional level interventions, access to the general grade-level curriculum, and experience with appropriate life and career skills.
The goals of the AISD Special Services Program, including instructional staff, assessment specialists, intervention personnel, and the administrative team are:
To collaboratively develop effective instructional and behavioral interventions with all staff to ensure academic success for all students.
To provide students with disabilities with inclusive access to the General Curriculum while simultaneously improving instructional level skills.
To improve the overall efficiency of all referral processes and systems of support.
Student Handbook Statement:
SB 139 Notice to Families:
Compensatory Services:
Significant Disproportionality State/Federal Activity Updates Disproportionality

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
Contact Special Services
612 E. Bethany Dr., Allen, TX, 75002
972-727-7192 (fax)
Montie Parker
Executive Director of Special Services
Dr. Theresa Taylor
Director of Special Services
Kelly Jackson
Executive Assistant
Rebecca Ramos
Special Education Records Specialist