My Ride K-12 Graphic

Allen ISD announces the adoption of the My Ride K-12 system, beginning in January 2025. This new platform gives parents and students real-time access to bus route numbers, scheduled stop times, and stop locations.

Allen ISD’s Transportation Department will use this system to communicate bus delays, route changes, or other updates directly to users. Families are encouraged to set up accounts during winter break to ensure a smooth start in January.

Key Features of My Ride K-12:

  • View registered student bus information securely.

  • Receive updates, notifications, and important messages about bus routes.

  • Access via mobile app or website.

How to Get Started

Mobile App

  1. Download the MyRideK-12 app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store

  2. Open the app

  3. Register your account with an email, password, and name.

  4. Confirm registration through the email link provided.

  5. Log in

  6. Search for Allen ISD.

  7. Add your student using their ID and birthday.

  8. View bus information or share access with another registered user.

  9. Stay logged in to receive district notifications.


  1. Visit Allen ISD's MyRideK-12 portal using Chrome or Firefox.

  2. Register your account if you are a new user.

  3. Confirm registration via the email link.

  4. Log in, add a student, and view transportation details.

Contact the Allen ISD Transportation Department at 972-727-0542 or visit